Do Goldendoodles Shed More Frequently Than Other Toy Breeds
If you have a pet dog and would like them to go into a doggie daycare program, how do you find the time and money to do it? Most dogs do not require that much daily attention, but some do need more. Even though they may only need a couple of hours at a time, a lot of people want their pets to be under a loving caretaker, especially if they live alone. Some do not want to spend all of their hard-earned money to have their pet go into a doggie daycare program. However, if your dog has certain health conditions that could negatively affect its ability to be a part of your family, then doggie daycare might be the perfect solution.
Goldendoodles shed, just like any other dog breed. They do shed, just like any other dog breed. All Goldendoodle generations, however, shed less than other breeds of dogs. No dog breed is completely hypoallergenic, except for the Standard Poodle. Goldendoodles are basically a mix between the Standard Poodle and the Poodle, which are a smaller breed. Their shedding frequency is not affected by their size, however, and instead, it is determined by which breed they most likely inherit their coat from – which, of course, they get from their ancestors.
Many Goldendoodles shed simply because their coats don’t remain properly moisturized. Owners often brush their dogs too hard when bathing, or they will use too much grooming product. When trying to figure out how to handle their shedding, many owners find it helpful to purchase a high-quality, deluxe dog coat, such as the American Crew Collection Dog Cloth Dress.
Because of their high level of fur, Goldendoodles frequently suffer from allergies. Unfortunately, they are the dogs that get it worst – they are often allergic to dander, dust mites, pollen, cat hair, and even their own urine. This often leads to bloody baths, but many owners simply give their dogs an allergy shot once a month. Other owners simply treat their pets to an annual allergy shot. Many veterinarians in San Diego carry allergy medicine for dogs that can help keep their pets free of allergies, although it is important that you discuss this with your pet’s veterinarian in case your dog is one of the few breeds that have a chronic allergy to certain substances, such as nickel.
Goldendoodles can also suffer from skin allergies. Their long, woolen coats may shed and give your dogs a rash or hives. Other times, these allergies can cause the dogs to develop cuts, scrapes, or wounds. In extreme cases, these allergies can even lead to the death of the animal. If you suspect that your pet is suffering from allergies, you should contact your vet immediately and discuss treatment options.
One other reason that Goldendoodles shed more than other dogs is because of their high prey instinct. Goldendoodles love to hunt, so if they are not trained properly, this instinct will make them go through excessive shedding. A good choice for a pet dog that doesn’t require a lot of attention would be a poodle or a setter. These breeds are more inclined to stay calm when on the job and do not need constant exercise. If you don’t want a large toy that will chase after every squirrel in the neighborhood, you might want to consider a poodle or a setter instead.