How Long Do Cockatiels Live

How Long Do Cockatiels Live

If you are thinking of getting a cockatiel as a pet, you probably already know that they are quite the commitment. It takes a lot of time, energy, and commitment to properly care for one. A cockatiel is an exotic pet that requires special attention. There are certain things you can do to help your new pet have the best life possible, as well as extending its life span. Keep reading to learn more about how long do cockatiels live?

  • On the inside of every cockatiel’s home is where its diet is housed. Without proper food and water, this little companion will wither away quickly, becoming little more than a walking time-line. Cockatiels require fresh water constantly to stay healthy. Learn how to keep your pet’s environment clean without food and water, and you will see how well that goes.
  • Many owners wonder how long do cockatiels live without eating. Although it seems cruel, wild cockatiels actually require nothing to survive. In captivity, they can go without food and water for a few days, but after that, they can enjoy a full diet of freshly grown fruits and vegetables. Fresh food provides the nutrients necessary to grow strong, healthy leaves, and this will help the plants grow big and healthy – just like your plants!
  • As far as diet goes, you can feed your pet cockatiel lifespan far into its later years. Unlike dogs or cats, cockatoos do not need to eat constantly, as they do not need to digest their food before they can absorb it. Providing them with treats is a great option for ensuring that they receive their daily nutritional needs. You can provide treats every day, or you can switch it up and add different foods from one day to the next. Just remember to always remove any uneaten treats at the end of the feeding session.
  • As far as water goes, you will want to make sure that you give your cockatiel’s plenty of access to fresh water. They will do fine without food and water, but they do not do well without access to clean water – especially in the winter when storms can bring impurities into the water source. You should make sure to change out the water in your tank every day. As far as treats go, you should supply your pet cockatiels with plenty of dried fruit and vegetables. If you prefer your cockatiels to eat vegetables, be sure to provide them with cut carrots, celery and turnips – just remember to remove any skins.

As far as toys are concerned, you will want to include some different options if you want your birds to remain happy and healthy. Toys can help keep the behavior of your cockatoos at bay, so make sure that you switch up the toys that you use. One of the best types of toys to use is a small metal cylinder that is filled with peanut butter or other safe treats. These toys are guaranteed to keep your feathered friends occupied for hours without having to worry about them chewing on anything that could eventually break or come off the cage floor. You can also add a couple of toys to each cage; a rope and plastic balls. The point is to give your feathered friends varied stimulation to keep them happy.

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