Rex Guinea Pig
A Little About Your rex Guinea Pig
My daughter has just adopted a rex and rex guinea pig. We picked these cute little babies because we wanted to get some exercise time in and also because we wanted a pet but we don’t like the thought of having guinea pigs around as pets. We wanted something that would keep them active. So we got rex and ed.
- We first found out about rex guinea pig when my wife’s cousin asked us if we could buy one. She said that the breeder said the rex guinea pig would be a one-year baby. We then went and bought one, my son and I think my sister thought we were crazy but she liked the look and thought it was cute. We put the piggy in a cage and brought it home. We got her home and started to feed it and noticed that it wasn’t used to people and didn’t like being held so we took it out to the back garden to let it get some exercise.
- We noticed that the rex guinea pigs had long guard hairs on their coats and we also noticed that they were quite fat. We decided that the rex guinea pigs were the perfect pet for us. We got her with no coat and the breeder told us that they don’t have any coat because the breed doesn’t have any coat. This he was right because the rex guinea pig doesn’t have any fur and its body can’t stand up so it doesn’t need a coat. It’s just made for hanging out in the garden.
- We have been keeping rex guinea pigs for eight years now and we keep them in groups of four. The reason we do this is that when they’re in their own environment they’re much easier to handle and they respond far better to our training. They’re also a very social breed, so if you have other pet pigs they will do well in your house as well.
- They’re a little rambunctious at times but we never disturb them too much because they like to have their space and by nature they don’t like a lot of interruption. They also enjoy rolling around in their cage and playing with their toys but again, we don’t disturb them too much. Just give them some alone time and they will take care of themselves. This is an important element of rex guinea pigs care that is often overlooked.
Their hair grooming needs are another aspect that is sometimes overlooked. Most of these breeds will do okay with human hair and of course the ones like the albino rat snake will do fine with canine hair. But if you have long hair you will need to get your rex guinea pig hair groomed at least once a week because they don’t like having their hair so long. These are just a few of the basics that you will need to know about rex breeds so hopefully, you will have a better understanding of what these unique pets really are. Good luck with your rex guinea pig!