Giant Day Gecko
Caring For Your Giant Day Gecko Size
The first time you see your new pet, you are going to have to take him to the pet store and decide which kind of tank he needs. A good rule of thumb is that if you can’t fit him in the car, then you can’t put him in the house. When you get home, go outside to his area and figure out what his size needs to be. This will be different for everyone, but you’ll probably need a bigger tank. A good rule of thumb is that if you can’t fit him in the car, then you can’t put him in the house. When you get home, go outside to his area and figure out what his size needs to be.
- A big part of this process is knowing his body shape and size. To help you with this, buy or rent a vinyl glider to fit him on. These come in all sizes and shapes. A good expert tip is to not buy the largest glider you can find just because it is large. The reason is that some of them can grow rather large as they age. Some people have even had their giant day gecko size increase to two feet long!
- Now that you have him in the car and his area ready, you will want to start making his habitat. To do this, you will need a glass aquarium, perch, water dishes and a water misting bottle. These are very inexpensive items and can be purchased online or at your local pet stores. After preparing all of these items, your gecko will be ready to go!
- The next step is to buy some plants and planters that will provide him with hiding places. Do not get plants that are tall or close to other trees or walkways. One thing that many owners forget is to put lights on the plants. Yes, your giant day gecko will need lighting in his enclosure, but not too much. The reason is that he will hide under the leaves or vines if there are too many lights.
- The next item you will need for your giant day gecko cage is going to be the water dishes. These should be plastic or stainless steel. This will provide the geckos with an option to hide under while he eats. Water misting bottles are also available for purchase and can be put underneath the water dishes to provide some additional hiding places. It is important to remember not to put any plants in the water that may repel animals such as birds, reptiles or insects.
- Many people believe that lizards such as leopards, monitor lizards and giant day gecko size are easy to care for. While it is true that they require small daily care, you must understand that reptiles do not have a hardiness level that is the same as other pets. You still must provide them with the basic needs such as bedding, food and water. There are also special considerations to make such as the temperature, humidity, lighting and things of that nature.
When it comes to lighting and humidity, there are really no secrets. You should provide your pet with an adequate amount of indirect lighting and perhaps use a magnifying lamp for the smallest areas of your pet. You may also consider providing a humidifier if you are going to be outdoors a lot, which will increase the humidity level in the room. If you have a large area that you want to monitor, then by all means purchase a high-end humidity meter to constantly monitor the humidity level in your home.